Document:LPNY Minutes 31 January 2004

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State Committee Meeting
January 31, 2004

John Clifton called the meeting to order at 1:12 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Rest Area located off Route 87 in Sloatsburg, New York.

PRESENT: John Clifton (Chairperson), Christopher Garvey (Suffolk County LP Representative), Jim Harris (Nassau County LP Representative), Werner Hetzner (Treasurer), Thomas Ruks (Vice-Chair), Bonnie Scott (Vice-Chair), Donald Silberger (Hudson Valley LP Representative), and Dr. Thomas Robert Stevens (Manhattan LP Representative)

ALSO PRESENT: Jeff Bennett (Temporary Chair of Rockland County), Hardy Machia (Guest), and Gary Treistman (Editor of FreeNY)

Chairperson John Clifton announced quorum was present.

MOTION: that Dr. Thomas Robert Stevens be designated Acting Secretary in the absence of the elected Secretary, Catherine Ruks.

T. Ruks/Silberger     Passed unanimously.

Treasurer's Report: Werner Hetzner

1.	Mr. Hetzner distributed to the State Committee a copy of the Financial Disclosure Report he submitted to the New York State Board of Elections (Exhibit #1). He indicated our end of December balance was $24,705.48 and our current balance is $21,923.24.

2.	Mr. Hetzner indicated our ads in Entr=E9e Magazine would start running in February, 2004. He reported that 4 more ads are expected to run (for a total cost of $1,200.00) and that the magazine has a circulation of between 6000-8000 people.

3.	Mr. Hetzner stated that John Clifton and Bonnie Scott attended the State Chairs' Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina and he feels the fee for their attendance should be reimbursed to them.

MOTION: to reimburse John Clifton and Bonnie Scott $75.00 for the fee they paid to attend the State Chairs' Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina.

T. Ruks/Hetzner     Passed unanimously.

4.	Mr. Hetzner commented that when someone purchases a membership using the Click & Pledge option located on the LPNY website, a small charge is incurred thus preventing us from 
forwarding the entire amount collected to national. Thus, when someone becomes a member in that manner, the LPNY is currently paying that additional charge. 


Membership Committee Report: Thomas Ruks

1.	Mr. Ruks indicated it is his desire to concentrate on la=
2003 LPNY members in order to encourage them to renew their 

2.	Mr. Ruks stated we have on aver=
age 60 new members each year. 
However, it is a challenge to get them to re=
new. The majority of LPNY 
members are multi-year members, but it changes a=
 lot as to who those 
multi-year members are.

3.	Mr. Ruks reported that 1,=
600 LPNY members caused their 
memberships to lapse during the past five (5=
) years. 

4.	Mr. Ruks informed the State Committee that our Mailing List 
currently has over 14,000 names on it. However, it is his estimation 
that =
30% of the information contained on that list is no longer 

5.	Mr=
. Ruks asked the County organizations to forward to Bonnie 
Scott (Vice-Cha=
ir & Webmaster) updated information regarding their 
dues, elected officers=
, and time and location of their meetings so 
she can update the state's we=

College Outreach Coordinator: Dr. Thomas Robert Stevens

1.	Dr. S=
tevens stated he has so far identified and confirmed 
campus contacts for t=
he following eighteen (18) colleges and 
universities in New York State: Co=
lumbia College Libertarians at 
Columbia University (Will Thomas & Damian N=
ajman); Columbia Law 
School Libertarians at Columbia Law School (Damian Na=
jman); Mailman 
School of Public Health at Columbia University (Adam Scavon=
College Libertarians of Cornell University at Cornell University 
ry Taylor); CUNY Baruch College (Kimberly D. Bloomston); Elmira 
College (D=
r. Bryan C. McCannon); Fordham University (Salvatore "Sam" 
Russo); Ithaca =
College (Prof. Kim Gregson); New York City College of 
Technology (Prof. Ga=
ry Popkin); New York University (Michael Robert 
Miller); Rochester Institu=
te of Technology (Dawn Pepin); SUNY 
Binghamton (Prof. Charles Goodman); Th=
e College Libertarians of 
Brockport at SUNY Brockport (Adam Chamberlain); =
SUNY Buffalo (Don 
Stillwagon); The College Libertarians of SUNY Fredonia a=
Fredonia (Aaron Stadler); SUNY New Paltz (Prof. Don Silberger); 
racuse University (Kimberly Gehl); and UR Libertarians at the 
University o=
f Rochester (Eric Miller).
2.	Dr. Stevens reported that to help coordinate these campus contacts, he formed the Libertarian Freedom Council, which he chairs, and has appointed two Deputy Coordinators to help him carry out his duties and responsibilities. He stated the Libertarian Freedom Council is an evolving coordinating body operating without formal 
bylaws. All campus contacts have been invited to serve on the 
Libertarian Freedom Council as voting members although participation 
is not mandatory. A Yahoo! Group is currently being used to 
facilitate communication and to share information regarding each 
chapter's organizing activities and events. Dr. Stevens informed the State Committee he has appointed Joshua Michelman to serve as Deputy 
Coordinator for Chapter Development (DCCD), and David Kachoui to 
serve as Deputy Coordinator for Programming (DCP). Dr. Stevens stated 
that Mr. Kachoui has taken over responsibility for coordinating the 
Speaker's Bureau, which was formed prior to Mr. Kachoui's appointment.

3.	Dr. Stevens noted the Li=
bertarian Freedom Council now has 
twenty-one (21) voting members who are t=
he following: Dr. Thomas 
Robert Stevens (Chairman), Joshua Michelman (DCCD=
), David Kachoui 
(DCP), Adam Chamberlain, Prof. Charles Goodman, Prof. Kim=
Steve Healey, Werner Hetzner, Dr. Bryan C. McCannon, Eric Miller=
Michael Robert Miller, Damian Najman, Dawn Pepin, Prof. Gary Popkin, 
lvatore "Sam" Russo, Adam Scavone, Aaron Stadler, Don Stillwagon, 
Prof. Do=
n Silberger, Curry Taylor, and Gary Treistman. 

4.	Dr. Stevens indicated t=
he Speaker's Bureau currently has ten 
(10) members who are the following: =
Bob Armstrong, John Clifton, 
Joseph Dobrian, Christopher B. Garvey, Jim Le=
sczynski, Tom McConnell, 
Donald Silberger, Ph. D., Gary Snyder, and Werner=
 Hetzner. He stated 
the Speaker's Bureau can and should be utilized by any=
one in the LPNY 
who is in need of a Libertarian speaker. Each of the indiv=
serving on the Speaker's Bureau has agreed to accept speaking 
gements without the need of the sponsoring organization to pay an 
um. However, if the speaking engagement is not local and 
travel expenses m=
ust be incurred, the speaker may request 

5.	Dr. Stevens re=
ported he has asked the webmasters for the 
state and national web sites to=
 update the information they have 
listed for college and university contac=
ts in New York State with the 
information he has provided to them.        =

6.	Dr. Stevens stated that minimal requirements for campus 
libertarian =
groups are currently being discussed. These minimal 
requirements might inc=
lude requiring college chapters to use the 
word "Libertarian" in their nam=
e, to designate a contact person to 
represent their school as a voting mem=
ber of the Libertarian Freedom 
Council (LFC), to have that contact person =
submit monthly status 
reports regarding their chapter's progress, and to r=
equire campus 
contacts, prior to their graduation or their leaving school,=
forward the names of two individuals who have agreed to serve as 
acts for the LPNY in order to guarantee continuity at each 

7.	Dr=
. Stevens asked for the authorization to create an Award to 
be given to in=
dividuals who help get a Libertarian high school, 
college or university ch=
apter officially recognized by their 
respective school.  

MOTION: that Dr=
. Thomas Robert Stevens be authorized to issue an 
Award (to be named by hi=
m) to every individual responsible for 
helping to get a Libertarian high s=
chool, college, or university 
chapter officially recognized by their respe=
ctive school.

Harris/T. Ruks     Passed unanimously.

Operations Director:=
 Bonnie Scott

1.	Ms. Scott provided the State Committee with an update 
garding the LPNY's website and who is accessing it. She stated a 
rough ana=
lysis of the top searches indicates people came to our 
website by searchin=
g for the following key terms: "Second 
Amendment", "Libertarian", "Smoking=
", "Guns For Tots", 
and "Marijuana". She stated we get the most hits throu=
gh Google.

2.	Ms. Scott states she needs to follow up with Click & Pledge =

in order to make changes to enable people to pay their LPNY Annual 
tion fee on line without our having to subsidize the processing 

3.	M=
s. Scott stated that she has updated the database with new 
information she=
 obtained regarding those who were on our mailing list 
in Chenango County.=

4.	Ms. Scott reported the National LP has purchased new software 
 Razor's Edge.

5.	Ms. Scott stated her opinion that e-mailing a press rele=
is now becoming about as effective as having mailed it. 
y Initiative: Jim Harris

1.	Mr. Harris reported he does not have detailed =
maps of all the 
cross-county districts in New York State.

2.	Mr. Harris s=
tated he feels the cross-county initiative is 
going to be a long-term proj=
ect but he plans to get things going this 
year. He is convinced the cross-=
county initiative is a worthwhile 
project since it promotes petitioning ef=

National Update: Bonnie Scott

1.	Ms. Scott reported that the N=
ational Convention would be held 
in Atlanta, Georgia from May 27-31, 2004.=
 She indicated she is 
currently compiling a list of possible delegates who=
 would like to 

Legal Update: Christopher B. Garvey 

1.	Mr. Garve=
y indicated the Board of Elections has now filed 
their appellate brief app=
ealing the Federal District Court opinion 
granting libertarians in New Yor=
k State the right to write 
in "Libertarian" in order to be recorded as reg=
istering in 
the "Libertarian Party". He stated the argument date on the ap=
has not yet been set. Mr. Garvey noted that the Board of Elections 
ppealed only the first Order of Justice Gleason and not the second 
Order, =
which included the Libertarian Party. Since the time for the 
Board of Elec=
tions to appeal the second Order of Justice Gleason has 
already expired, a=
t least theoretically, Justice Gleason's Order 
regarding the right of indi=
viduals to register as Libertarians should 
be final as to us.   

vention Update: Thomas Ruks

1.	Mr. Ruks reported has entered into a contra=
ct to hold the 
LPNY Annual Convention at the Holiday Inn Martinique in Man=
hattan on 
Saturday, April 24, 2004 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.. The 
ngements include a luncheon for 40 people and the use of two 
rooms, which =
will include a TV and a VCR. Our total upfront cost will 
be $2,500.00, $1,=
000.00 of which is due now and another $1,000.00 
which will be due by the =
end of February. He stated he is trying to 
arrange for speakers who will n=
ot charge any honorarium. However, it 
is anticipated some money will be al=
located for speakers out of the 
budget provided to him by the State Commit=
tee for the convention.

MOTION: to recess for five (5) minutes.

arvey     Passed unanimously.

The State Committee Meeting recessed at 3:5=
5 p.m.

Chairperson John Clifton called the State Committee Meeting back to=
order at 4:00 p.m.

Candidacies & Petitioning Report: Bonnie Scott 

1.	M=
s. Scott stated Jeff Bennett is seeking the nomination of 
the Libertarian =
Party for the 38th State Senate District and Don 
Silberger is seeking the =
nomination of the Libertarian Party for the 
United States Senate. Ms. Scot=
t indicated Mr. Bennett's primary issue 
is going to be opposition to the s=
moking ban and Mr. Silberger's 
primary issue is going to be opposition to =
the war on drugs.

2.	Ms. Scott echoed the view of Chairperson John Clifton=
 in her 
desire for the LPNY to identify a Petitioning Chair by the June, 2=

Newsletter Report: Gary Treistman

1.	Mr. Treistman reported that 853=
 people currently receive the 
LPNY newsletter, FreeNY. He handed out sampl=
e copies of the current 
issue and mentioned that due to bylaw notification=
 requirements, the 
next issue of FreeNY must arrive at members' homes from=
 March 5-31, 
2.	Mr. Treistman mentioned some ideas he has for brai=
new projects for the LPNY. Discussion resulted in the following =


MOTION: that the State Committee authorize the expenditure of $15=
as a prize in a contest in FreeNY to be granted to the individual who=
offers the best suggestion for a project that promotes an 
understanding =
of individual liberty.

Hetzner/Stevens     Passed unanimously. (Bonnie Sco=
tt requested her 
abstention be specifically noted)


Manhattan LP Report: Dr. Thomas Robert Stevens

1.	Dr. Stevens repor=
ted that at the Manhattan Libertarian Party 
Convention held at the 1050 Re=
staurant at 735 Tenth Avenue in 
Manhattan on Saturday, January 10, 2004, h=
e was elected to serve as 
the Representative of the Manhattan LP to the St=
ate Committee.
2.	Dr. Stevens informed the State Committee that the Manha=
LP Convention was a huge success that resulted in a cover story on 
he convention appearing in the New York Press. He suggested the 
State Comm=
ittee commend the Manhattan LP for having run such a 
successful convention=

MOTION: to commend the Manhattan LP for having run a successful 
 convention and for generating sufficient press interest to 
have obtained =
the cover story in the New York Press 
entitled "Libertarians at the Gate".=

Stevens/Garvey     Passed unanimously. (Bonnie Scott & Werner Hetzner 


1.	Werner Hetzner outlined his fundraising propo=
sal to the State 
Committee which included his plan to mail fundraising let=
ters to 
individuals and corporations who have previously donated money to =

political causes and whose names and addresses are maintained by the 
New =
York State Board of Elections. No motion was made to finance this 
ing proposal since questions were raised as to whether the 
list of donors =
maintained by the New York State Board of Elections 
can be legally used in=
 this manner. 

2.	Gary Treistman suggested the LPNY consider sponsoring a =
(6) week symposium for members at which short-term and long-term 
s of the party could be discussed. He offered to pay half  the 
cost of thi=
s proposed symposium, up to $500.00, if the State 
Committee approved his p=
roposal. Dr. Tom Stevens offered to help Mr. 
Treistman brainstorm the idea=

3.	John Clifton suggested the LPNY sponsor upscale fundraisers, such as a house party in the Hamptons. Dr. Stevens mentioned he thought the idea was a good one and suggested fundraisers that would charge members $50.00 and offer refreshments, finger food, and a guest speaker. 

4.	Bonnie Scott stated that to be on track to obtain 50,000 votes in the next gubernatorial election, the LPNY must obtain 30,000 votes this year. She also stated we need to expand our fundraising and membership recruitment efforts.  

MOTION: to adjourn.

Stevens/T. Ruks     Passed unanimously.

The State Committee Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Thomas Robert Stevens
Acting Secretary
